domingo, 2 de agosto de 2020


This is the perfect topic, for me, to talk about because i'm always discussing with my career friend how frustrated it makes me feel the way students are specifically trained in Social Work. 

Despite the fact that the curriculum has enough theory like anthropology,sociology, etc. I think that in one hand it is good to add this more logical content to know about the different dynamics of society, but it is an exaggerated amount, actually, some students from the major curses complain that they are not practically prepared for the reality they will encounter in the future. This is the main focus of the faculty or departament to make us academics, but besides this it is not the worst curriculum of Social Work, I hope that future students will face different and better courses like analysis data, programs, practices, etc.

The workload is not crazy, the hours dedicated is the one indicated in the study programs. I find it difficult to compare with careers such as law or engineer in that regard. Mentioning again the point i touched before, there are courses that seem to be randomly added being almost extra to extend five years of study, but if it was less of this it would not be considered a real career and a lot of money is involved in this part, so, it could be the same years with courses that really serve for the vocational training.

The faculty of social sciences is not the newest and beautiful, but is has more recent and modern study rooms where we have classes so we do not have to sit in the smaller classrooms of the faculty itself.

 Regarding its technology, this year i didn't have the opportunity to use the faculty computers due to the pandemic, so, i don't have that much experience to have an opinion, but nobody had argued about this.

Finally, the methodology of most of the teachers is good at the moment, this is the least i would change, i always enjoy the classes and learn a lot (but when is mainly in-person).

1 comentario:

  1. I disagree with you about the workload. I think that the "paros" have decreased it, but without the compression of the social work department, our situation would be probably different :(
