lunes, 27 de julio de 2020


1. What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?
Despite the fact that i fully support the feminist movement and the slogan of free abortion, i think that the fact that these "three causes" are currently in the law of our cuntry, it is a small advance to continue in this freedom of choice logic, so, i support it, but it is difficult to achieve abortion in all cases with the arrival of governments from right.

2. What is your opinion about the Chilean tradition called "mechoneo"?
I remember when i entered university i was scared that this tradition was still a thing, then people told me that it was no longer done, feeling relieved but it was still done in few universities, so i meditate in my head that is a very silly activity and in no case violence is fun. So i fully support the anti mechoneo policy of the university.

3. What is your opinion about tattoos?
I really like them, although in cases where the whole body is tattooed i do not think it is great because i believe that there is a beauty in the body and skin of people. But people who actually do it will look nice anyway. I will get a tattoo soon but because of the pandemic i have postponed it.

4. What is your opinion about killing stray dogs to prevent sanitary problems and animal over population?
I think that this option is valid because it can probably cause the numbers of animal to decrease, but also belive that is already a practice in several countries and there are still population problems. Therefore a more  animal-friendly option is to have policies that regulate the birth of animals by sterilizing them and also public education regarding animal care.
Joe Pino - Yo opino ♫ + en ...

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