martes, 19 de mayo de 2020

People should be aware of Fast Fashion

Fashion is a topic I am very fascinated about. I can say that clothes are essential to express part of my personality, I like combining styles, looking for inspiration online, see what other people are wearing on the street, choosing the right pattern, etc. Even if you aren't so interested it's an important way of showing part of yourself. If you are wear a lot of Nike t sweatshirt it can be appeared that you like that brand or a t shirt says that you like a certain band. So, as an important part of society, clothing sells a lot. Actually, 62 million tons of clothing are expected to be created each year
Fast fashion are chain retailers who make garments in a short period of time to put in to sell fast in the various clothing racks in retail. The problem is with the word fast, we mean that it's not going to last very long in our wardrobe. They make trendy clothes quick, cheap and disposable.  The brands who make these clothes are everywhere and probably  you already buyed something from  h&m, adidas, topshop, etc. But what I really mean by exposing this information it's the problem with the new way of making clothes.
The average woman is buying 50 new pieces of clothes a year just to wear it a few times and it  ends up not even wearing it and this have a huge cost. Some of the reasons to this are, for example, the bad working conditions in factories that made these clothes, most of workers are impoverished woman in countries like China that pay very low and have few rights.  
Besides this issue, it's one that affects the whole world; the damage that gives to the planet environment. In 2015 textil production created more greenhouse gases than international flights and maritime shipping combined. (The Guardian, Dec 29 2018) The process of making certain clothes like cotton also takes a ridiculous amount of water, meaning that a simple jacket can need tons of liters of water (with synthetic textile its worst). And we aren't even taking a deep look in the problem, what we do with so much clothes? The average American throws away 84 pounds of clothes a year.

What I'm trying to say with this post is that you  should be more conscious the moment you are about to buy clothes and think twice, I'm not saying that you should not buy any clothes, just try thinking, Do I really need this? I love this item? It's really versatile? Am I going to wear it for more than one occasion? could I get easily this second hand instead of retail? Etc.

Make sure you love all your especial pieces and wear them often! Think about all the things that this industry do to the planet and contribute a grain to climate change.

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