miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2020


I would really like to go to Japan because I wanted to go there since when I was a child, I really liked Japanese animation, on this drawn characters you can see the streets and cities of Tokyo and get a glimpse of what is like, this really made me excited and to this day I still want to go somewhere in the future when I work.
Japan got these beautiful shrines, so a lot of people go and pray to the gods, this without counting all the festivals (matsuris) and the gastronomy that you can find in them, I think this part of Japanese culture is beautiful.
I would like to live in there a short period of time because a few of the old people from there haven't adapted to these times of accepting foreigners on the country, and can be hard at times to grt a job there, but to be there for a few months and try to know as many places as possible would be amazing. I would especially like to know the most rural part of this country since it is very quiet in that part compared to the noisy and at the same time explore its landscapes.

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