lunes, 29 de junio de 2020

My Future job

Actually, I am studying Social Work and after one and a half year (despite the ups and downs) i become that the conclusion that is the correct carrier according to my ideals to criticize the dominant ideology, especially in Chile and despite the fact that this is a job at the mercy of the relationship between capitalism and the state I can do something good if I try hard.
The ideal job for me would be a combination between outdoors and indoors, in the line of making polls, work in the field, carrying out methodologies (this could be traveling to diferent regions of the country or complex territory, etc)  as well as an office where I can do research, theories and make statistics about the different social subjects i will be studying. In the matter of money I really don't care that much, but the kind of job I am hoping for is one that pay the necessary and be fair for the years I will be studying.
I hope that if everything goes as expected (under good terms and not another pandemic), to be able to become a magistrate in Social Work here at the Universidad de Chile or at the Universidad Catolica. I would also like to do a diploma in an unspecified subject of research to deepen, which may be related to children.
 I hope to be able to graduate in three and a half years (if the world don't explode) and be able to continue studying and have a good job either in a municipality, something specific from the government, companies, etc.
Blog For Children | Being a Social Worker

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