martes, 14 de julio de 2020

Postgraduate studies

I´m constantly thinking about the future and i don't know if that's good for my mental health (ha-ha), but one of the things i always try to think about it's what  i will study next, the reason i would like to take another step on the academy its because i always see teachers that have taken a PhD in different  countries and they seem to have good results, i mean, earning a good amount of money or taken interesting jobs, maybe in a good position of making choices, but i also had heard about people getting PhD don't find job in years and that is a point to consider especially if i maybe don't have that much money to pay. 
My dream subjet would be a Ph.D. in Social work, but it seems very difficult, so, a Master degree would be nice and i'm planning on that. In both cases the probability of doing that in Chile is high, but to do it in Spain would be very nice because it's a beautiful country and to study in a different place could make me learn more of about Social work in another continent.
I'm not really familiarized with another way that's not day-presential classes, not counting the sad reality of Online classes, so thinking that i will be staying with my parents a long time, thanks to the price of houses and my low probabilities of finding a job i would like to work in the morning and take classes in the noon in the case of the PhD, in master programme would be all day like now.

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