martes, 14 de julio de 2020


My favourite animated character is Mike Wazowski from the Pixar movie Monster Inc.
Mike is Sulley's best friend and working partner at the Monster, Inc. In the second movie (that it's the beginning of all the continuing movie) they enter university and for the first time meet with his friend but in that time they hated themselves because of their different personalities. As time passes Mike discover that the course it not made for him and for different reasons they end expelled of the Monster Universitity but made his way, taking small jobs to finally work in the company of their dreams.

However, my favourite movie of this character, it's the first film, where he supports Sulley a lot about being the number one scarer as they compete with Randall Boggs, their number one enemy disputing the position. Mike is Celia Mae's boyfriend, you can see through all the movie their interactions and she is a key performer in the last part of the movie. One day while he and Celia where at a restaurant Sulley appeared out of nowhere to tell him that he found a human girl (which is prohibited in the world of monster because of "chemical reasons")

I like him because of his funny personality that make me sympathize or see similarities with me because i'm constantly making jokes with my friends. His interactions with the human girl, Boo, and Sulley always make me laugh no matter how many times I watch the film.

5 comentarios:

  1. mike is such a funny character, i like him too

  2. He's really funny and I like that he wasn't jealous of Sully about being the scariest monster and instead he supported him (like you mentioned). He's a great character!

  3. Without a doubt Mike Wazowski is a very good friend, ready to always help Sully <3

  4. That movie is so much fun, Mike Wazowski is a very funny character, he always makes me laugh when I see the movie.

  5. I thought write about him, but I saw that you won me! He is so funny, I really like when he is so happy for "appears" on the cover of the magazine and on television, he is so cute!
